
잘 산다는 것은 무엇일까요?

이 세상의 유일한 존재인 내가, 이미 지니고 있는 잠재력을 능력으로 발현시키고,

그 능력을 사용하여 사회의 한 부분에 긍정적인 영향력을 미치는 일이라고 생각합니다.

이를 위해 필요한 것은 세상을 읽고, 해석하고, 나만의 방식으로 표현하는 것입니다.

지금! 여기! 우리가 살고 있는 세상은 새로운 변화의 파도가 치고 있습니다.

추상적이었던 인공지능 시대가 ChatGPT를 통해 구체화되어 일상으로 들어 왔습니다.

많은 사람들이 불안감에 질문을 던집니다. "우리의 일자리를 지키기 위해 AI와 어떻게 싸워 이길 것인가?"

하지만 이 질문은 우리에게 효과적인 해답을 주지 않습니다. 우리의 질문은 다음과 같아야 합니다.

"인공지능 시대가 되더라도 인간만이 할 수 있는 고유의 능력은 무엇인가?"

인공지능은 인간을 돕는 도구가 되어야 하지 인간을 대체하는 용도로 사용되어서는 안되기 때문입니다.

이 질문에 대해 미국 포춘지 편집장 제프 콜빈은 '인간은 과소평가 되었다'라는 저서를 통해 이렇게 이야기 합니다.

"다른 사람과 힘을 모아 문제를 해결하고, 상대의 생각과 느낌을 인지하고,

논리를 넘어서는 위대한 능력으로 자신을 표현하고, 팀의 일원으로 자기 몫을 훌륭히 해내고

말 그대로 인간의 근원적 본성에 관련된 자질이 가치 있는 능력으로 새롭게 주목받는다."

기술이 발달할수록 오히려 중요해지는 것이 인간의 근원적 본성이라는 역설입니다.

참 다행입니다. 인간의 근원적 본성은 누구나 지니고 있는 잠재력이니까요.

하지만 한 가지 더 생각해 볼 것은 누구나 지니고 있는 능력이라면 '누가 어떻게 그 능력을 발휘할 것인가?'

에 따라 그 힘이 달라질 것이라는 점입니다.

그 힘을 실어드리기 위해 기획한 과정이 바로 "21세기 일잘러의 핵심역량, 3C / AI도 두렵지 않은 인간만의 지적능력 3가지" 입니다. 본 과정을 통해 인간의 근원적 본성인 문제 해결 능력 Complex Problem Solving, 비판적 사고력 Critical Thinking,

창조력 Creativity 에 대해 본질과 방법을 학습할 수 있습니다. 단지 보고, 듣고, 배우는 것으로만 끝나지 않기를 바랍니다.

수강 고객 여러분들이 실용적 지식으로 만들어 자신의 일과 삶에 힘이 실리기를 바랍니다.

그래서 '아! 내가 잘 살아가고 있구나' 라는 자신감, 성취감으로 이어지기를 바랍니다.


잘 산다는 것은 무엇일까요?

이 세상의 유일한 존재인 내가, 이미 지니고 있는 잠재력을 능력으로 발현시키고,

그 능력을 사용하여 사회의 한 부분에 긍정적인 영향력을 미치는 일이라고 생각합니다.

이를 위해 필요한 것은 세상을 읽고, 해석하고, 나만의 방식으로 표현하는 것입니다.

지금! 여기! 우리가 살고 있는 세상은 새로운 변화의 파도가 치고 있습니다.

추상적이었던 인공지능 시대가 ChatGPT를 통해 구체화되어 일상으로 들어 왔습니다.

많은 사람들이 불안감에 질문을 던집니다. "우리의 일자리를 지키기 위해 AI와 어떻게 싸워 이길 것인가?"

하지만 이 질문은 우리에게 효과적인 해답을 주지 않습니다. 우리의 질문은 다음과 같아야 합니다.

"인공지능 시대가 되더라도 인간만이 할 수 있는 고유의 능력은 무엇인가?"

인공지능은 인간을 돕는 도구가 되어야 하지 인간을 대체하는 용도로 사용되어서는 안되기 때문입니다.

이 질문에 대해 미국 포춘지 편집장 제프 콜빈은 '인간은 과소평가 되었다'라는 저서를 통해 이렇게 이야기 합니다.

"다른 사람과 힘을 모아 문제를 해결하고, 상대의 생각과 느낌을 인지하고,

논리를 넘어서는 위대한 능력으로 자신을 표현하고, 팀의 일원으로 자기 몫을 훌륭히 해내고

말 그대로 인간의 근원적 본성에 관련된 자질이 가치 있는 능력으로 새롭게 주목받는다."

기술이 발달할수록 오히려 중요해지는 것이 인간의 근원적 본성이라는 역설입니다.

참 다행입니다. 인간의 근원적 본성은 누구나 지니고 있는 잠재력이니까요.

하지만 한 가지 더 생각해 볼 것은 누구나 지니고 있는 능력이라면 '누가 어떻게 그 능력을 발휘할 것인가?'

에 따라 그 힘이 달라질 것이라는 점입니다.

그 힘을 실어드리기 위해 기획한 과정이 바로 "21세기 일잘러의 핵심역량, 3C / AI도 두렵지 않은 인간만의 지적능력 3가지" 입니다. 본 과정을 통해 인간의 근원적 본성인 문제 해결 능력 Complex Problem Solving, 비판적 사고력 Critical Thinking,

창조력 Creativity 에 대해 본질과 방법을 학습할 수 있습니다. 단지 보고, 듣고, 배우는 것으로만 끝나지 않기를 바랍니다.

수강 고객 여러분들이 실용적 지식으로 만들어 자신의 일과 삶에 힘이 실리기를 바랍니다.

그래서 '아! 내가 잘 살아가고 있구나' 라는 자신감, 성취감으로 이어지기를 바랍니다.



We are here to teach you completely from scratch how to use the #1 Artificial Intelligence tool ChatGPT to dominate your market and rise above your competition. [TOTALLY updated course].

In this course, we'll walk you through all the functions and features of ChatGPT, from creating an account and navigating the platform to creating effective promotions and leveraging AI tools to generate content ideas and video transcripts.

Here are just a few of the many 5 star reviews for this course:

Stephen J.
"Fantastic well paced course on getting up to speed with chatGPT! The instructor is friendly, enthusiastic and gives great examples of using chatGPT throughout..I highly recommend this course to others and will take other courses in the future from this instructor!"

Hitesh G.
"The course delivered on its promises and I appreciate the genuine enthusiasm and passion that George put in this course. Highly recommend!"

Aaron H.
"This course was very detailed and the instructor did a great job of explaining the technology. 5 stars!

Anil J.
"George is such a friendly instructor who makes things and concepts so easy to grasp and understand. Loved every bit of this course!"

Jessie Y.

"As always, I absolutely love and enjoy George's delivery in his courses. The discussion on "change" was short but so profound and really set the stage for this course. The method of which this material is presented really syncs with me and I feel like I absorb so much through their teaching style. I'm looking forward to really using ChatGPT and other AI tools to further my success and I highly recommend others to take course. It may sync with you the way it does with me.

Thank You again, George and Joan, for the great information and delivery. =)"

Peter G.
"I wasn't sure how to use ChatGPT the right way, and wanted to know more about Artificial Intelligence. Now I know - after taking this course - it teaches how to use ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence effectively and the correct way, helping me avoid mistakes. Thank you for the guidance!"

David G.
"This course comes highly recommended for those who wish to understand how ChatGPT works and how to make the most of it. Its practical approach, clear examples, and focus on the most useful extensions make it an excellent investment for any artificial intelligence and language model enthusiast."

and many, many more...

This course on ChatGPT is different from all the others you will find... (Dare I say it's better - but you be the judge!).

  • You will find a course designed and created by humans from scratch, short and concise, with the necessary shortcuts to learn ChatGPT perfectly.

  • Tips for success with ChatGPT, including the 3 keys to making the most of the tool.

  • Strategies for creating effective prompts, including how to generate ideas and use current events to inspire content.

  • Step-by-step guidance on creating prompts using ChatGPT, including four examples of prompts being created from scratch.

  • The benefits of using ChatGPT's PowerUps, such as instant video transcripts and AI art generators.

  • How to use ChatGPT for Midjourney content creation, as well as the risks involved in using AI-generated content.

  • Code generation via ChatGPT.

This Artificial Intelligence with ChatGPT course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:

  • Learning about the capabilities and limitations of the ChatGPT platform.

  • Developing effective prompts that generate high-quality responses from ChatGPT, including collaborating with other students and learning about prompt strategies.

  • Discovering powerful tools and features to enhance the quality and creativity of your content, including video transcript and summary tools, prompt generators, Midjourney, and AI art generation.

  • Comparing ChatGPT with Google Bard and understanding the key differences between the two platforms

  • Understanding the risks and ethical considerations associated with AI-generated content, including how to mitigate them and best practices for content creation.

  • Identifying and avoiding potential issues such as ChatGPT hallucinations and cybersecurity risks.



The instructors who will guide you in this training process are George Levy together with Joan Amengual.

George Levy:

George Levy is a dynamic, fully bilingual keynote speaker who is well known for creating and instructing top-rated courses on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency. His online courses on these topics have been taken by more than 180,000 students in over 190 countries.

Joan Amengual:

Joan is a software engineer at a company located in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, specializing in the fields of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. He is also passionate about teaching and therefore gives training courses on the latest topics for an audience of more than 90,000 people.

You are in good hands!


This course also includes:

  • Lifetime access to all future updates

  • Responsive instructors in the Q&A section

  • Udemy certificate of completion ready to download

  • 30-day "no-questions-asked" money-back guarantee!

Join us in this course if you want to learn about the new world of Artificial Intelligence!



We are here to teach you completely from scratch how to use the #1 Artificial Intelligence tool ChatGPT to dominate your market and rise above your competition. [TOTALLY updated course].

In this course, we'll walk you through all the functions and features of ChatGPT, from creating an account and navigating the platform to creating effective promotions and leveraging AI tools to generate content ideas and video transcripts.

Here are just a few of the many 5 star reviews for this course:

Stephen J.
"Fantastic well paced course on getting up to speed with chatGPT! The instructor is friendly, enthusiastic and gives great examples of using chatGPT throughout..I highly recommend this course to others and will take other courses in the future from this instructor!"

Hitesh G.
"The course delivered on its promises and I appreciate the genuine enthusiasm and passion that George put in this course. Highly recommend!"

Aaron H.
"This course was very detailed and the instructor did a great job of explaining the technology. 5 stars!

Anil J.
"George is such a friendly instructor who makes things and concepts so easy to grasp and understand. Loved every bit of this course!"

Jessie Y.

"As always, I absolutely love and enjoy George's delivery in his courses. The discussion on "change" was short but so profound and really set the stage for this course. The method of which this material is presented really syncs with me and I feel like I absorb so much through their teaching style. I'm looking forward to really using ChatGPT and other AI tools to further my success and I highly recommend others to take course. It may sync with you the way it does with me.

Thank You again, George and Joan, for the great information and delivery. =)"

Peter G.
"I wasn't sure how to use ChatGPT the right way, and wanted to know more about Artificial Intelligence. Now I know - after taking this course - it teaches how to use ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence effectively and the correct way, helping me avoid mistakes. Thank you for the guidance!"

David G.
"This course comes highly recommended for those who wish to understand how ChatGPT works and how to make the most of it. Its practical approach, clear examples, and focus on the most useful extensions make it an excellent investment for any artificial intelligence and language model enthusiast."

and many, many more...

This course on ChatGPT is different from all the others you will find... (Dare I say it's better - but you be the judge!).

  • You will find a course designed and created by humans from scratch, short and concise, with the necessary shortcuts to learn ChatGPT perfectly.

  • Tips for success with ChatGPT, including the 3 keys to making the most of the tool.

  • Strategies for creating effective prompts, including how to generate ideas and use current events to inspire content.

  • Step-by-step guidance on creating prompts using ChatGPT, including four examples of prompts being created from scratch.

  • The benefits of using ChatGPT's PowerUps, such as instant video transcripts and AI art generators.

  • How to use ChatGPT for Midjourney content creation, as well as the risks involved in using AI-generated content.

  • Code generation via ChatGPT.

This Artificial Intelligence with ChatGPT course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:

  • Learning about the capabilities and limitations of the ChatGPT platform.

  • Developing effective prompts that generate high-quality responses from ChatGPT, including collaborating with other students and learning about prompt strategies.

  • Discovering powerful tools and features to enhance the quality and creativity of your content, including video transcript and summary tools, prompt generators, Midjourney, and AI art generation.

  • Comparing ChatGPT with Google Bard and understanding the key differences between the two platforms

  • Understanding the risks and ethical considerations associated with AI-generated content, including how to mitigate them and best practices for content creation.

  • Identifying and avoiding potential issues such as ChatGPT hallucinations and cybersecurity risks.



The instructors who will guide you in this training process are George Levy together with Joan Amengual.

George Levy:

George Levy is a dynamic, fully bilingual keynote speaker who is well known for creating and instructing top-rated courses on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency. His online courses on these topics have been taken by more than 180,000 students in over 190 countries.

Joan Amengual:

Joan is a software engineer at a company located in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, specializing in the fields of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. He is also passionate about teaching and therefore gives training courses on the latest topics for an audience of more than 90,000 people.

You are in good hands!


This course also includes:

  • Lifetime access to all future updates

  • Responsive instructors in the Q&A section

  • Udemy certificate of completion ready to download

  • 30-day "no-questions-asked" money-back guarantee!

Join us in this course if you want to learn about the new world of Artificial Intelligence!


Welcome to the exciting world of book content writing with artificial intelligence!

Whether you are an aspiring author, a seasoned writer, or simply someone looking to learn the craft of writing, this course will help you hone your skills and unleash your creativity.

In this comprehensive course, we will explore a variety of genres, including picture stories, consistent character stories, recipe books, self-help books, coloring books, and journals with artificial intelligence.

Each of these genres requires a unique approach, and we will delve deep into the specific techniques and strategies needed to create compelling and engaging content. For example, in the picture story section of the course, we will examine how to craft visually stunning and entertaining stories. We will explore techniques such as the use of dialogue, the importance of pacing, and the creation of memorable characters that will capture the reader's imagination.

In the consistent character story section of the course, we will examine how to create characters that are relatable and memorable, and how to develop a story arc that keeps readers engaged from beginning to end. In the recipe book section, we will learn how to write recipes that are clear, concise, and easy to follow, while also adding personal touches that make them unique and engaging.

In the self-help book section of the course, we will delve into the art of writing motivational and inspirational books. We will examine how to communicate complex ideas simply and effectively, how to engage readers emotionally, and how to craft a narrative that inspires people to take action.

In the coloring book section of the course, we will explore how to write content that is both fun and educational, while also creating designs that are visually stunning and engaging. We will examine the use of color, the importance of the theme, and how to create designs that are easy to color yet challenging enough to keep readers engaged.

Finally, in the journal creation with artificial intelligence section of the course, we will explore how to incorporate the latest advancements in AI technology into journal writing. We will learn how to use AI algorithms to personalize journal entries, provide insights and recommendations based on user data, and create a more engaging and interactive experience for readers.

Throughout the course, you will have access to various resources, including interactive exercises, quizzes, and peer review opportunities. You will also receive feedback and guidance from experienced writers and editors who will help you develop your skills and improve your writing.

So, if you are ready to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and creative expression, then, start this comprehensive course on book content writing and designing with artificial intelligence. Let's explore the art of writing together and unlock your full potential as a writer!


Welcome to the exciting world of book content writing with artificial intelligence!

Whether you are an aspiring author, a seasoned writer, or simply someone looking to learn the craft of writing, this course will help you hone your skills and unleash your creativity.

In this comprehensive course, we will explore a variety of genres, including picture stories, consistent character stories, recipe books, self-help books, coloring books, and journals with artificial intelligence.

Each of these genres requires a unique approach, and we will delve deep into the specific techniques and strategies needed to create compelling and engaging content. For example, in the picture story section of the course, we will examine how to craft visually stunning and entertaining stories. We will explore techniques such as the use of dialogue, the importance of pacing, and the creation of memorable characters that will capture the reader's imagination.

In the consistent character story section of the course, we will examine how to create characters that are relatable and memorable, and how to develop a story arc that keeps readers engaged from beginning to end. In the recipe book section, we will learn how to write recipes that are clear, concise, and easy to follow, while also adding personal touches that make them unique and engaging.

In the self-help book section of the course, we will delve into the art of writing motivational and inspirational books. We will examine how to communicate complex ideas simply and effectively, how to engage readers emotionally, and how to craft a narrative that inspires people to take action.

In the coloring book section of the course, we will explore how to write content that is both fun and educational, while also creating designs that are visually stunning and engaging. We will examine the use of color, the importance of the theme, and how to create designs that are easy to color yet challenging enough to keep readers engaged.

Finally, in the journal creation with artificial intelligence section of the course, we will explore how to incorporate the latest advancements in AI technology into journal writing. We will learn how to use AI algorithms to personalize journal entries, provide insights and recommendations based on user data, and create a more engaging and interactive experience for readers.

Throughout the course, you will have access to various resources, including interactive exercises, quizzes, and peer review opportunities. You will also receive feedback and guidance from experienced writers and editors who will help you develop your skills and improve your writing.

So, if you are ready to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and creative expression, then, start this comprehensive course on book content writing and designing with artificial intelligence. Let's explore the art of writing together and unlock your full potential as a writer!

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Bem-vindo ao curso "Estruturando Histórias com ChatGPT". Neste curso, você aprenderá a criar histórias envolventes com uma estrutura sólida, que irá cativar e prender a atenção dos leitores do início ao fim.

Meu nome é Jean  e eu sou professor de português e inglês. Focado totalmente na criação de narrativas. Isso sempre me cativou, por isso, resolvi ajudar as pessoas a conseguirem escrever suas próprias histórias. Uma oportunidade de trabalhar.

Além de fantasia, nós podemos usar a estruturação da história para textos comerciais e marketing. Que é o que pretendo fazer, ajudar a você enxergar tudo por trás de todas as histórias.

Ao longo deste curso, você irá aprender sobre os elementos fundamentais da estruturação de histórias, como enredo, personagens, cenários, pontos de virada e muito mais. Além disso, você também irá explorar como usar o ChatGPT, uma poderosa ferramenta de linguagem natural, para facilitar e aprimorar seu processo de escrita.

O ChatGPT é um modelo de linguagem de última geração que utiliza inteligência artificial para gerar textos de forma autônoma. Ao aprender a utilizar essa ferramenta, você será capaz de gerar ideias, aprimorar seus personagens e enredo, além de criar diálogos realistas e cativantes.

Além de ensinar como estruturar uma história e utilizar o ChatGPT, este curso também irá abordar temas como o desenvolvimento de personagens, a criação de conflitos, a importância do ritmo narrativo e muito mais.

Você aprenderá a criar personagens tridimensionais, com motivações e objetivos claros, que irão guiar a história e cativar os leitores. Além disso, você também irá aprender a criar conflitos e obstáculos que manterão a história emocionante e desafiadora.

Ao longo do curso, você irá explorar como trabalhar com o ritmo narrativo para criar histórias envolventes e dinâmicas, que prendam a atenção do leitor e o deixem ansioso para saber o que acontecerá a seguir. E com o ChatGPT, você poderá explorar diversas opções e ideias para aprimorar cada aspecto da história.

Combinando os elementos essenciais da estruturação de histórias com o poder do ChatGPT, este curso irá ajudá-lo a se tornar um escritor mais habilidoso e criativo, capaz de produzir histórias emocionantes e envolventes.

Então, vamos lá? Hora de virar Escritor!

starstarstar_half star_border star_border

Bem-vindo ao curso "Estruturando Histórias com ChatGPT". Neste curso, você aprenderá a criar histórias envolventes com uma estrutura sólida, que irá cativar e prender a atenção dos leitores do início ao fim.

Meu nome é Jean  e eu sou professor de português e inglês. Focado totalmente na criação de narrativas. Isso sempre me cativou, por isso, resolvi ajudar as pessoas a conseguirem escrever suas próprias histórias. Uma oportunidade de trabalhar.

Além de fantasia, nós podemos usar a estruturação da história para textos comerciais e marketing. Que é o que pretendo fazer, ajudar a você enxergar tudo por trás de todas as histórias.

Ao longo deste curso, você irá aprender sobre os elementos fundamentais da estruturação de histórias, como enredo, personagens, cenários, pontos de virada e muito mais. Além disso, você também irá explorar como usar o ChatGPT, uma poderosa ferramenta de linguagem natural, para facilitar e aprimorar seu processo de escrita.

O ChatGPT é um modelo de linguagem de última geração que utiliza inteligência artificial para gerar textos de forma autônoma. Ao aprender a utilizar essa ferramenta, você será capaz de gerar ideias, aprimorar seus personagens e enredo, além de criar diálogos realistas e cativantes.

Além de ensinar como estruturar uma história e utilizar o ChatGPT, este curso também irá abordar temas como o desenvolvimento de personagens, a criação de conflitos, a importância do ritmo narrativo e muito mais.

Você aprenderá a criar personagens tridimensionais, com motivações e objetivos claros, que irão guiar a história e cativar os leitores. Além disso, você também irá aprender a criar conflitos e obstáculos que manterão a história emocionante e desafiadora.

Ao longo do curso, você irá explorar como trabalhar com o ritmo narrativo para criar histórias envolventes e dinâmicas, que prendam a atenção do leitor e o deixem ansioso para saber o que acontecerá a seguir. E com o ChatGPT, você poderá explorar diversas opções e ideias para aprimorar cada aspecto da história.

Combinando os elementos essenciais da estruturação de histórias com o poder do ChatGPT, este curso irá ajudá-lo a se tornar um escritor mais habilidoso e criativo, capaz de produzir histórias emocionantes e envolventes.

Então, vamos lá? Hora de virar Escritor!

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Welcome to our course "ChatGPT: Complete ChatGPT Course For Work"!

This comprehensive course is intended to assist you in harnessing ChatGPT's potential and transforming your work environment. This course will teach you how to use ChatGPT effectively, whether you are a student who wants to improve their study habits or a busy professional who wants to streamline your workflow.

The course starts with an outline of ChatGPT, including what it is and the way in which it works. You will be taught about the advantages of employing ChatGPT in the workplace, which include increased accuracy, productivity, and efficiency.

From there, you'll learn how to use ChatGPT at work by writing emails, writing reports, and scripting presentations. Using ChatGPT, you can practice each of these skills and even see examples of how to write an email and a presentation script.

You will also learn how to use ChatGPT to write poetry, analyze long texts, and summarize lengthy texts. The use of ChatGPT for studying, translating, and learning foreign languages is also covered in the course.

This course provides valuable insights on how to use ChatGPT for email marketing and content creation, such as creating content for Instagram posts, setting up YouTube channel posting schedules, analyzing competitors, and tracking metrics for Instagram accounts.

The opportunity to gain real-world experience is a major benefit of this course. You'll be able to practice using ChatGPT in real-world situations, giving you the confidence to use it at work or in school.

You will have the knowledge and skills to use ChatGPT effectively for a variety of applications by the end of this course. You'll know how to compose messages, reports, and show scripts utilizing ChatGPT, how to sum up and investigate long messages, how to compose verse, how to learn unknown dialects, and even how to involve ChatGPT for the end goal of advertising.

Overall, this course is a great investment for anyone who wants to increase accuracy, productivity, and efficiency at work and in school. Therefore, sign up right away to begin learning ChatGPT for work and stop waiting.

In this course you are going to learn:

1. What is Chat GPT?

2. Benefits of using Chat GPT

3. How to use Chat GPT at work in practical ways

4. How to Write Emails with Chat GPT

5. How to Make Report writing with Chat GPT

6. How to Make Presentation Scripting with Chat GPT

7. How to Make Presentation Scripting with Chat GPT -  practice

8. How to Make Presentation writing with Chat GPT - example

9. How to summarize long text with Chat GPT

10. How to Analyse the long text with Chat GPT

11. How to Write a summary for a long text with Chat GPT

12. How to Write a poetry with chat GPT

13. How to use chat GPT for study

14. How to Translate with Chat GPT

15. How to learn foreign languages with Chat GPT

16. How to make homework with Chat GPT for school or university

17. How to learn programming languages with Chat GPT

18. How to use Chat GPT for Marketing

19. How to Write an email marketing messages with Chat GPT successfully

20. How to Create the content for your instagram posts with Chat GPT

21. How to Create a Posting schedule for your Youtube channel with Chat GPT

22. How to Create a Competitor analysis for your youtube channel with Chat GPT

23. How to Create the list of popular Hashtags for youtube channel with Chat GPT

24. How to Create Analytics and metrics for your instagram account with Chat GPT

The course is appropriate for ChatGPT novices as well as experienced users who wish to learn more about the technology. To enroll in this course, neither prior knowledge nor technical expertise are required. It is simple for anyone to follow along with the lessons and learn at their own pace because they have been designed in a way that is easy to use.

The fact that this course is taught by professionals with extensive experience using ChatGPT for a variety of purposes is one of the major benefits. They have a lot of experience and knowledge in the field, and they will show you how to get the most out of ChatGPT with useful hints and tricks.

One more critical advantage of this course is that you'll have lifetime admittance to the materials, including video talks, tasks, and tests. You can go back to the lessons whenever you need to review a particular idea or refresh your knowledge.

Toward the finish of the course, you'll get an endorsement of fruition, which you can add to your resume or LinkedIn profile to exhibit your recently gained abilities. The certificate will give you an advantage in the job market because it will show potential clients or employers that you know how to use ChatGPT well.

All in all, this course gives an exhaustive manual for involving ChatGPT for different applications. You'll be able to immediately apply what you've learned to your work or school life because of its practical focus. You will gain the confidence to use ChatGPT effectively through the hands-on experience and expert instruction, making you a valuable asset to any organization or project. In this way, select today and begin your excursion towards dominating ChatGPT for work.

What if you have questions?

As if this course wasn’t complete enough, we offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week.

This means you’ll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With our hand-holding guidance, you’ll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.

starstarstar_half star_border star_border

Welcome to our course "ChatGPT: Complete ChatGPT Course For Work"!

This comprehensive course is intended to assist you in harnessing ChatGPT's potential and transforming your work environment. This course will teach you how to use ChatGPT effectively, whether you are a student who wants to improve their study habits or a busy professional who wants to streamline your workflow.

The course starts with an outline of ChatGPT, including what it is and the way in which it works. You will be taught about the advantages of employing ChatGPT in the workplace, which include increased accuracy, productivity, and efficiency.

From there, you'll learn how to use ChatGPT at work by writing emails, writing reports, and scripting presentations. Using ChatGPT, you can practice each of these skills and even see examples of how to write an email and a presentation script.

You will also learn how to use ChatGPT to write poetry, analyze long texts, and summarize lengthy texts. The use of ChatGPT for studying, translating, and learning foreign languages is also covered in the course.

This course provides valuable insights on how to use ChatGPT for email marketing and content creation, such as creating content for Instagram posts, setting up YouTube channel posting schedules, analyzing competitors, and tracking metrics for Instagram accounts.

The opportunity to gain real-world experience is a major benefit of this course. You'll be able to practice using ChatGPT in real-world situations, giving you the confidence to use it at work or in school.

You will have the knowledge and skills to use ChatGPT effectively for a variety of applications by the end of this course. You'll know how to compose messages, reports, and show scripts utilizing ChatGPT, how to sum up and investigate long messages, how to compose verse, how to learn unknown dialects, and even how to involve ChatGPT for the end goal of advertising.

Overall, this course is a great investment for anyone who wants to increase accuracy, productivity, and efficiency at work and in school. Therefore, sign up right away to begin learning ChatGPT for work and stop waiting.

In this course you are going to learn:

1. What is Chat GPT?

2. Benefits of using Chat GPT

3. How to use Chat GPT at work in practical ways

4. How to Write Emails with Chat GPT

5. How to Make Report writing with Chat GPT

6. How to Make Presentation Scripting with Chat GPT

7. How to Make Presentation Scripting with Chat GPT -  practice

8. How to Make Presentation writing with Chat GPT - example

9. How to summarize long text with Chat GPT

10. How to Analyse the long text with Chat GPT

11. How to Write a summary for a long text with Chat GPT

12. How to Write a poetry with chat GPT

13. How to use chat GPT for study

14. How to Translate with Chat GPT

15. How to learn foreign languages with Chat GPT

16. How to make homework with Chat GPT for school or university

17. How to learn programming languages with Chat GPT

18. How to use Chat GPT for Marketing

19. How to Write an email marketing messages with Chat GPT successfully

20. How to Create the content for your instagram posts with Chat GPT

21. How to Create a Posting schedule for your Youtube channel with Chat GPT

22. How to Create a Competitor analysis for your youtube channel with Chat GPT

23. How to Create the list of popular Hashtags for youtube channel with Chat GPT

24. How to Create Analytics and metrics for your instagram account with Chat GPT

The course is appropriate for ChatGPT novices as well as experienced users who wish to learn more about the technology. To enroll in this course, neither prior knowledge nor technical expertise are required. It is simple for anyone to follow along with the lessons and learn at their own pace because they have been designed in a way that is easy to use.

The fact that this course is taught by professionals with extensive experience using ChatGPT for a variety of purposes is one of the major benefits. They have a lot of experience and knowledge in the field, and they will show you how to get the most out of ChatGPT with useful hints and tricks.

One more critical advantage of this course is that you'll have lifetime admittance to the materials, including video talks, tasks, and tests. You can go back to the lessons whenever you need to review a particular idea or refresh your knowledge.

Toward the finish of the course, you'll get an endorsement of fruition, which you can add to your resume or LinkedIn profile to exhibit your recently gained abilities. The certificate will give you an advantage in the job market because it will show potential clients or employers that you know how to use ChatGPT well.

All in all, this course gives an exhaustive manual for involving ChatGPT for different applications. You'll be able to immediately apply what you've learned to your work or school life because of its practical focus. You will gain the confidence to use ChatGPT effectively through the hands-on experience and expert instruction, making you a valuable asset to any organization or project. In this way, select today and begin your excursion towards dominating ChatGPT for work.

What if you have questions?

As if this course wasn’t complete enough, we offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week.

This means you’ll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With our hand-holding guidance, you’ll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.